TL;DR: Using lazy sequences for API consumption has advantages in memory consumption and promotes interactive development.
HTTP APIs are ubiquitous and consuming them is a programming task coming up quite regularly (at least for me). Therefore I found the following idiom pretty useful, which turns a paginated, remote data source (in this case the GitHub jobs API) into a lazy sequence:
(defn- fetch-lazy-jobs-seq!
(fetch-lazy-jobs-seq! 0))
(let [jobs-url (fn [page](format "" page))
{body :body} (http/get (jobs-url page) {:as :json})]
(if (seq body)
(lazy-cat body (fetch-lazy-jobs-seq! (inc page)))
In the REPL it is comfortable to just inspect parts of the data without waiting for many HTTP requests to be send:
(-> (fetch-lazy-jobs-seq!) first keys)
And in production interim results can be garbage collected as soon as they are processed (for example to look for all locations with Clojure jobs):
(->> (fetch-lazy-jobs-seq!)
(filter #(str/includes? (:description %)"Clojure"))
(map :location)
As this leads to many calls to the same host a connection manager helps with performance if necessary. You can find the example code on GitHub.